028 3742 1888
028 3742 1888


  • Insulated Piercing Connector(IPC) of SAO MAI ELECTRIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY is designed to be suitable for all insulation cables with low voltage (1KV) up to medium voltage (10KV), where connect with branch and lighting grid.
    Insulated cables have been tested according to NFC 33-020 standard, and approved to use for power companies distribution everywhere.
    Product details
1. Application:
+ Application to connect from main line - to - main line, main line - to - secondary wire, connection layer
+ Range: main wires from 4-380 mm², secondary wires (branches) from 1.5 to 380 mm2
+ Connection  Al (Cu) to Al (Cu), or Cu (Al) to Al (Cu).

2. Features and benefits:
+ Easy to install, no need to remove the out cable layer
+ Connection, no damage to the wires
+ Control head force twist into bolts
+ Waterproof, resistant  weather change, resistant corrosion
+ Operating temperature: -50oC to + 50oC
+ Installation temperature: -20 oC to 50 oC

kepi ipc 120 120
kepi ipc 120 120B

3. Customer choose products follow detail information in the below:
Part No.
Bolt/ Torque
mm² mm² (A) QUANTITY H(Nm)
MPC 6/6 0.75-6 0.75-6 41 1XM6 H13(9Nm)
MPC 35/4 (2.0) 4-35 1.5-10 86 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 35/6 (2.5) 6-35 1.5-10 86 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 95/10 16-95 1.5-10 86 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 25/25 (2.0) 6-25 (2.0) 4-25 110 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 50/35 (2.0) 6-50 (2.0) 6-35 200 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 95/25 25-95 2.5-25 161 1XM8 H13(9Nm)
MPC 95/35 25-95 (2.0)6-35 200 1XM8 H13(14Nm)
MPC 95/95 25-95 25-95 377 1XM8 H13(18Nm)
MPC 150-150 35-150 35-150 504 1XM8 H13(18Nm)
MPC 120/120 35-120 35-120 437 1XM8 H13(18Nm)
MPC 150/95 50-150 25-95 504 1XM8 H13(18Nm)
MPC 185/35 50-185 (2.0)6-35 200 1XM8 H13(14Nm)
MPC 100/100 60-100 60-100 377 2XM8 H13(14Nm)
MPC 95/95B 25-95 25-95 377 2XM8 H13(14Nm)
MPC 185/150 50-185 50-150 504 2XM8 H13(18Nm)
MPC 240/95 70-240 16-95 377 2X10M H13(20Nm)
MPC 240/240 95-240 95-240 504 2X10M H13(25Nm)
MPC 380/240 120-380 95-240 679 2X10M H13(37Nm)

Note: For more information about products with voltage above 10kv, please contact us !
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